Sunday, May 10, 2009

Video Games

Video game consoles are very advanced nowadays. Games like Gears of War 2, Resident Evil 5, and Final Fantasy 13 make their characters and setting so real it amazes me every time I see one. I remember when I first saw Nintendo 64, I was shocked at how everything was crisp and 3D. Now that Nintendo 64 is nothing compared with the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. Graphics of some of the game is truly amazing and feels like one is watching a movie. Not only are the graphics realistic but the game play is advanced and is nothing compared with my first game console Super Nintendo. Now in today's gaming system, there are games that are very complicated like World of Warcraft which is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that is very overwhelming at first. This game has continents, cities, forests, food, magic, all environment effects and setting, fantasy creatures and everything. It is fun to play but only after one learns to understand the hundreds of commands and spells. After the person learns to play, it starts to get exciting. Without learning how to play there is nothing one can do. As much as the games are advanced like World of Warcraft and many other games, people are always playing some of the "old school" games. I find these old school games more entertaining than today's games. A game like Mario Kart is simple and fun. Only objective of the game is to win a race. It may sound boring but it really isn't and they do not need to be a gamer expert to play. It is very hard to have a friend who never played games to suddenly pick up an Xbox controller to play Halo 3. He can try but he will probably be bored because of the complexity of the game. However games like Mario Kart, Mario Party and Bomberman are easy to learn and takes just few minutes to explain. Although I like the new games that are out, I prefer the old game system because of its simplicity. In order to have fun with some of the new games like World of Warcraft and etc, one must have skills which require time to acquire. Old school games are excellent when one is bored with couple of friends and have nothing to do. I recommend playing some of these old school games at least once.

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