Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Perfect Food

Most everyone loves chocolate chip cookies, whether it be homemade or not. It is easily one of top foods loved by Americans. Chocolate chip cookie is plain and simple, just the chocolate and cookie. Not to mention chocolate chip cookie towers over other kinds of cookie. It is the king of all cookies. I find that chocolate chip cookie is one of those food where people goes crazy about. I know my friends sure do. First they get super excited by hearing the word chocolate chip cookie. When it comes time to eat them, everything must be perfect. With chocolate chip cookie I think there are just too many things going on. I have seem people, including my friends, who complain every second (while eating the cookie of course) that it is not good or "perfect". To them a good chocolate chip cookie must be soft, good balance between the chocolate and the cookie dough, and a non deformed shaped ( a good round cookie). It goes good to perfect when the cookie is fresh out of oven and has milk to eat along with. Milk is a huge deal to them. I have seen number of people become upset when I bring them chocolate chip cookies without milk. I always wonder why it matters so much. I think the cookie tastes fine without milk. To those chocolate chip cookie lovers if it is not perfect they treat it like an oat cookie that none likes. If the cookie is perfect they will go endlessly about how it is good. This seems so exaggerated to me and takes so much effort to eat something so simple. Another thing I can not seem to understand is dipping a hard "bad" chocolate chip cookie into a milk. I think this is a good idea because it tends to soften up. However not everyone seem so excited because there is always that one spot that is still hard. With all this said I just enjoy both "perfect" and "bad" chocolate cookie. Also I tend to reject milk. It sounds crazy to some people but I try not to dip my cookie in milk because I hate getting my hands and floor wet. Hope I did not offend any perfect chocolate chip eaters I know my friends will be pretty upset if they see this post.


  1. I must admit that chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorite cookies. Growing up I had always had cookies with milk, but where did this cookies and milk tradition come from? As I saw as a child commercials of little kids on television dunking their cookies in milk, being the copy cat as I am I did the same. I never thought about why things are the way they are because dipping cookies in milk has been a tradition in the American culture. Being a simple tradition, I have never questioned why we did it and just did it. Maybe the reason why we dunk our cookies in milk today came from an accident. There can be several reasons why milk and cookies are complements of each other, but one thing is for sure is that how milk and cookies came together is a mystery.

    -Vincent Luong

  2. Chocolate chip is good and all but it is definitely not all that in a bag of chips...er cookies. I dislike chocolate, but I still like chocolate chip cookies. It is indeed good when it is soft but it is also good when it has a crunchy granola bar feel to it. Perhaps this is why most people want milk with their cookies, creamy reassurance, a reminiscent feeling from their childhood milk loving years. I recently started drinking milk again after a two or so year hiatus and I can tell you this, cold milk with warm cookies really warm you up inside.

  3. I like chocolate chip cookies but I would personally rather eat Oreos. The only chocolate chip cookies I like are the hot and fresh ones or Chips Ahoy. But because I am away from my mom for weekdays and cannot bake cookies on my own, I rely of Oreos and Chips Ahoy to fulfill my sweet tooth. Oreos, in my opinion, are good even without milk. When eating chocolate chip cookies, I usually have a cup of milk on the side. But with Oreos, I can just eat them anytime even without milk. But when eating Oreos, make sure to twist, lick then eat.

    --John Rodriguez

  4. It is so funny how you wrote about this because I recently hung out at my cousin's place and I was offered chips ahoy, the blue wrapper one, I think it was the regular type, to be exact. I simply hated them as a child and favored the red wrapper chewy ones before. However, my cousin practically forced them down my throat and asked me to try it out again, which I was bound to do anyway. But the strangest thing happened. I ended up loving them, probably not as much as the chewy chips ahoy, however, I managed to eat two-thirds of the whole bag. And yet I totally know what you mean by the whole chocolate chip aspect your talking about. Ever since my brother and I were young we would throw in a bag and a half of chewy chips ahoy cookies and munch on them all day during vacation. However, like John, I’m pretty much more of an oreo person than a chocolate chip cookie type of girl. Thanks for helping me remember the old days. =]

    --staCEy e.
